Corporeal abstractions (Microportrait)
vacuum formed plexi-glass
Series (6): Tooth, Eyelash, Skin, Hair, Tooth v.2, Nail
Dim. 80 x 90 cm (each)
This series of relief light-sensitive works was conceived on the basis of computer-modified microscopic images of particles of the artist’s body by inverse digital transformation (IFFT), with the help of computer programmes used in microscopy. This is why the fragments of micro structures, despite the seeming naturalism indicated by the titles of particular works, are not the magnification of ‘the natural’, but algorithmically coded images, an artificial product of the ‘mechanical’, digital. Transparent or reflecting surfaces are dynamized by light effects and the fluctuating, subjective perception of the observer in time and space.
In collaboration with prof. dr. Sašo Šturm and dr. Matejka Podlogar, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana – Department for Nanostructured Materials)