Project Description



video, 4.22′
sound: Scanner – Robin Rimbaud

The video Hyperoptics examines the technologically extended forms of visual perception that are enabled through the application of advanced optical research tools used in microscopy.
The first part of the video presents a series of details of scientific research devices (hardware) while simultaneously capturing part of a microscopy session, where the scientist explains the possible interference in the imaging induced by the physical proximity of the scientist’s body (hand) to the electron microscope. The second part of the video takes its inspiration from the insight that physicality, when viewed at nano-scalar dimensions, is actually revealed as a dynamic entity produced by the constant interaction of the smallest elementary particles of matter. Thus the film draws the spectator into the realm of the hidden dimensions of physicality, where original microscopic imagery – parts of the artist’s body tissues, like skin and hair – are digitally transformed into colourful, hypnotic landscapes and abstract patterns in motion. And the video closes with a simulation of an optical disruption resulting from the technical malfunctioning of the device.
Hyperoptics works to reveal the conditions of technologically enhanced observation, and broadly questions the issues and context central to the human-machine relationship. Further, it exposes the role of corporeality and subjectivity as factors in so-called objective scientific observation and research – roles that are often ignored or denied – and questions certain conditions related to our perception of reality.