Uršula Berlot at ADA – Archive of Digital Art: https://digitalartarchive.at/database/artist/1321/

Born in Ljubljana, she graduated from the Secondary School of Natural Science. She studied two years of philosophy at the Philosophy Department, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana before studying painting at the Academy of Fine Arts, University of Ljubljana and at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. In 2002, she earned a master’s degree from the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana and finished her doctoral study in 2010 at the same institution. Since 2009 she is teaching at the Chair of theoretical studies at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana.

She works as a visual artist, theorist of art and lecturer, with an interest in the intersections of art and science. Her artistic practice is related to perception and conditions of consciousness, her light and kinetic installations investigate forms of cerebral landscapes, simulated nature and relationships between body and technology.

Uršula Berlot received Rihard Jakopič recogniton (2021) and was selected as ‘Featured Artist’ by ADA – Archive of Digital Art (Austria, 2020: https://www.digitalartarchive.at/features/featured-artists/featured-artist-ursula-berlot.html) She received the acknowledgment Highest artistic titles of the University of Ljubljana (Ljubljana, 2008), she gained the Schering Stiftung Fellowship and Artist-in-Residence at Kunstlerhaus Bethanien (Berlin, 2007), Pollock-Krasner Grant (New York, 2005) and Henkel Art Award given by KulturKontakt Austria (Vienna, 2004).

Her work was exhibited at Olomouc Museum of Modern Art, Today Art Museum in Beijing, Kunstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin, BA-CA Kunstforum Tresor in Wien, Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana, Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin and Important exhibitions include: Returning the gaze, Cukrarna (Ljubljana, 2022), Triennial of Contemporary Central European Art SEFO 2021 Universum, Olomouc Museum of Modern Art, (Olomouc, 2021), Extra/Ordinary’ Plug-in New Media Art – Contemporary Istanbul (Istanbul, 2018), The Earth is Flat – Slovenian and Chinese Contemporary Art, Maribor Art Gallery (Maribor, 2016), Die Magie der Kunst – Protagonisten der slowenischen Gegenwartskunst 1968 – 2013’ (Vienna, 2014), Museo Illuminato, Museo Revoltella (Trieste, 2013), Almost Spring – 100 Years of Slovenian Art, Maribor Art Gallery (Maribor, 2012), 3rd Quadrilateral Biennial: Media Art – Angles and Intersections, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (Rijeka, 2009), Sci-Art, Gallery Enrico Astuni (Bologna, 2009), Glow 08: Forum of Light in Art and Architecture (Eindhoven, 2008), Transmediale 08: Conspire, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin, 2008), Art’Fab: l’Art-la Femme-L’Europe (Saint-Tropez, 2006).

She is the author of numerous articles on art theory and wrote a monograph on Marcel Duchamp (read bibliography)

Education and positions

2021- present Full Professor, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana.
2014 – 2020 Associate Professor, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana.
2010 PhD, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. PhD thesis: Mimesis: Infra-thin Dimension of Art and Nature. Ljubljana: ALUO, University of Ljubljana, 2009.
2008 – 2014 Assistant Professor, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana.
2004 – 2007 Assistant, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana.
2002 Master of Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, University of Ljubljana. Master thesis: Nature. Ljubljana: ALU, University of Ljubljana, 2001
2000 DNSAP: Diplôme nationale supérieure des beaux-arts, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris.
1998 Bachelor of Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, University of Ljubljana. Graduation thesis: The Birth of Art from the Spirit of Music (Nietzsche). Ljubljana: ALU, University of Ljubljana, 1998
1992 – 1994 Faculty of Arts, Department of Philosophy, University of Ljubljana.
1992 Graduation, Secondary School of Natural Science and Mathematics, Ljubljana.

Awards and fellowships

2021 Rihard Jakopič recognition, Association of the Slovenian Fine Artists Societies, Ljubljana
2020 ADA – ’Featured Artist’, Archive of Digital Art, Austria
2010 Artist residency in London, given by Ministry of Culture, Slovenia
2008 University of Ljubljana, Academy of Fine Arts and Design: The Acknowledgement For the Important Achievements in Art
2007 Ministry of Culture Working Fellowship, Slovenia
2006 Schering Stiftung Fellowship, one year artist residency at the Kunstlerhaus Bethanien in 2007, Berlin
2005 Pollock-Krasner Grant, The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York
2004 Henkel Youth Artist Prize and Artist in Residency Grant, given by Kulturkontakt Austria, Vienna
2004 Special prize, ‘Ex-tempore Piran’, Obalne Galerije Piran, Piran
2003 Artist residency in New York given by Ministry Of Culture, Slovenia
2003 Purchase prize, ‘Ex-tempore Piran’, Obalne Galerije Piran, Piran
2002 Grand Prix ‘Ex-tempore Piran’, Obalne Galerije Piran, Slovenia, 2002
2001 Special Award, Sakaide Art Grand Prix 2001, Sakaide
2001 First Prize, Artists in Residence Annual Exhibition, Cité Intérnationale Universitaire de Paris, Paris

Work experiences

2021- present Full Professor, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana. Courses: Theory of Space in Visual Arts (MA), Spatial Conceptions, Anatomy
2014 – 2020 Associate Professor, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana. Courses: Theory of Space in Visual Arts (MA), Spatial Conceptions, Anatomy
2009 – 2014 Assistant Professor, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana. Courses: Spatial Conceptions, Anatomy
2006 – 2010 Lecturer, Academy of Design (Visoka šola za dizajn), Ljubljana. Courses: Theory of Colors, Visual Language
2003 – 2006 Lecturer, private School of Italian Design Istituti Callegari, Ljubljana. Courses: Visual Culture, Color Studies

Guest lecturing and conferences

2024 Perception Of Techno-Nature And The Question Of Bio-Technological Mimesis
AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków | AGH · Department of Cultural Studies and Philosophy. Environements and Networks workshop, 7. 3. 2024, Kraków
2023 Animal and animality in contemporary art. Man # Animals, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana in cooperation with the Faculty of Arts (Researchers’ Night). Ljubljana, 24 February 2023
2022 Nevrokič – round table, in cooperation with Slovenian Neuroscience Association SiNAPSA, National gallery, Ljubljana, 11.5. 2022
2021 Immateriality, Art and Technology, conference Crossings in theory (Department of Theory ALUO UL and PEF UP), PEF, University of Primorska, Koper, 28. 09. 2021
2021 Immateriality, art and technology. Palacký University in Olomouc – Department of Art History, Olomouc, 26. 10. 2021 (Zoom lecture)
2018 Beaux-Arts de Paris; visiting professor. Paris, January – May 2018
Geometry Encounter 2018, Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, Porto, 7. – 10. May 2018
2015 Transparentno telo: umetnost, medicina in tehnologija. 8. kulturološki simpozij: Telo in tehnologija. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani, 15. 4. 2015
2015 Svetloba in prostor: umetnost instalacije v 20. stoletju. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Univerza v Ljubljani, 10. 3. 2015
2014 Understanding Consciousness: Neuroart and the Value of Neuroaesthetics. The Sixth Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics: Facts and Values in Aesthetics. Florence: Villa Finaly, 27. 6. 2014
2013 Light and Kinetic Installations. Maribor: UGM – Slavija: 19. 2. 2013
2012 Art and Science. Udine: University of Udine, 19. 10. 2012
2012 L’art au regard de la nature, du paysage et de la technologie. Clermont Ferrand: Ecole Supérieure d’Art de Clermont Métropole, 28. 3. 2012.
2012 Umetnost v dialogu z znanostjo. Kognitivna čajanka. Ljubljana: Kavarna Mestnega muzeja, 7. 6. 2012
2012 Installations Based on Radiological Brain Images. Images of the Brain. Vienna: Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Wien, 25. 6. 2012
2011 Duchamp and the Notion of Optical Tactility: V. Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics. Cartagena: Universidad de Murcia, 4th – 8th of July 2010. In: Alcaraz, Maria-José (ed.). Art, Emotion and Value. Cartagena: Universidad de Murcia, 2011, p.p. 471-478. https://www.um.es/vmca/proceedings/docs/41.Ursula-Berlot.pdf
2011 From Transparency to Reflection. Creativity in Art and Science, Schering Foundation Fellows Meeting. Berlin: Harnack-Haus, 12th -13th of May 2011
2010 Light and Space. Bergen, Norway: Bergen National Academy of the Arts, workshop: 10th – 17th of Oct., lecture: 13th, 14th of Oct. 2010



  • Micromacrocosmos, Why Knot Vienna, Wien
  • Optical Elasticity, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana
  • Still Life in the Mirror of Time, 13. MFLUK, Layer house, Kranj
  • Extended Vision, Cukrarna, Ljubljana (link)
  • Noise Media Art, MoTA collection exhibition, Muzej Kadiköy Kent Meydani, Istanbul
  • Complet Planet, Noyes Museum of Art Stockton University, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA


  • Kiblix 23 – Hypocrisy and Pride, Kibla Portal, Maribor
  • Planeta Complejo MUSLAB, Museo de Antropología y Arte Contemporáneo, Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Colors, Equrna Gallery, Ljubljana
  • Imaginary Skyrmions, Krško Gallery, Krško (solo)
  • Tactile immateriality (multimedia event, co-authorship: Aleksandra Bajde (performance), Isabella Forciniti (sound), Sonica festival, 21 April 2023, Cukrarna Gallery, Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, Ljubljana
  • Arte en Maleta – Ciencia, mi musa. Art in a Suitcase, Aether Gallery, San Luis Potosi, Mexico


  • Tendencies in abstraction: systems, technologies, information, Gallery S at Ljubljana Castle, Ljubljana
  • MS’22, Kibla Portal, Maribor
  • Returning the gaze, Cukrarna, Ljubljana (link)


  • Pollen Surfaces, Gallery Insula, Izola
  • ‘‘The Triennial of Contemporary Central European Art SEFO 2021 Universum, Olomouc Museum of Modern Art, Czech Republic (media-interview)
  • ‘Exhibition of Rihard Jakopič award/recognition recipients, Video gallery Klet ZDSLU, Ljubljana
  • Postaja Diva: Pobeg v eksperiment, festival V-F-X (Video-Film-Experiment), SCCA-Diva, Ljubljana (7.7.2021)
  • ‘Aynı Anda Her Yerde / Ubiquity’, Istanbul, Turkey (online video screening)


  • ’The Radical Reverberations of the Body’ – The Duckling Festival 2020, Celje: Center for Contemporary Arts Celje
  • ‘Bodyfraction’, Municipal Gallery Nova Gorica, Nova Gorica, Slovenia (solo)
  • ‘Ideas and Concepts’, video and media art section, Gallery ZDSLU, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • ’Apocalypse 2020’, Equrna Gallery, Slovenia
  • VideoDvorišče 2: Onkraj vidnega/Beyond visible, SCCA-Diva, Galerija Škuc, Ljubljana (9.7.2020)


  • ’SELFIE/sh/me – self-portraits’, Mestna Galerija Piran, Piran, Slovenia
  • ’Sonica X Iklectik’, Iklectik, London, Great Britain
  • ‘New window. Duplicate extension’ by Urs Bold, Equrna Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • ‘Off Grid’, Artweeks@Akaretler, Istanbul, Turkey
  • ’Paper matters’, Maribor Art Gallery (UGM), Maribor, Slovenia
  • ‘Endemic vs. Global’, C3 Science Complexity Center, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City


  • ‘Extra/Ordinary’ Plug-in New Media Art – Contemporary Istanbul, IKM Istanbul Congress Center, Istanbul, Turkey
  • ‘Maravee Fiction’, Castello di Susans, Majano-Udine, Italy
  • ‘Contemporary Slovenian Women Artists – Works from MGNG Collection’, Nova Gorica, Slovenia
  • ‘Challenging Experience’, Galerija Miklova hiša, Ribnica, Slovenia


  • ‘Polimorphic imprint’, UGM  studio, Maribor, Slovenia (solo)
  • ‘Epilogue – space, body and media in transition’, Novo Celje Mansion near Žalec, Slovenia


  • ‘Flat and Distant – China and Slovenia Contemporary Art’, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
  • ‘The Earth is Flat – Slovenian and Chinese Contemporary Art’, Maribor Art Gallery (UGM), Maribor, Slovenia
  • ‘MoTA at SUPERMARKET Art Fair Stockholm’, Stockholm, Sweden
  • ‘Decentralization of contemporary art’ – exhibition as petition, Gallery Zelenica, Rog, Ljubljana, Slovenia


  • ‘Pixxelpoint 2015: Object – 16th International Media Art Festival’, Municipal Gallery Nova Gorica, Nova Gorica, Slovenia
  • ‘Videofestival Natures 12’, Bežigrajska galerija 2, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • ‘Intersection’, Gallery Miklova hiša, Ribnica, Slovenia
  • ‘Die Magie der Kunst – Protagonisten der slowenischen Gegenwartskunst 1968 – 2013’, Obergeschoss des Künstlerhauses, Vienna, Austria


  • ‘Fluid Topography’, Ljubljana Castle, Pentagonal Tower, Ljubljana, Slovenia (solo)
  • ‘Back to Black’, Equrna Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • ‘La magia dell’arte; I protagonisti dell’arte Slovena contemporanea 1968 – 2013’, Villa Manin, Passariano di Codroipo, Italy


  • ‘Museo Illuminato’, Museo Revoltella, Trst, Italy
  • ‘Sonica – Festival of Transitory Art’, MoTA Point, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • ‘Mixed Borders and Hybrid Identities’, Pallazo delle esposizioni, Riccione, Italy
  • ‘Transparent Body’, Gallery Domžale, Domžale, Slovenia (solo)


  • ‘Vanitas’, Gallery Equrna, Ljubljana, Slovenia (solo)
  • ‘Bodyscope’, Kibla – multimedia center, Maribor, Slovenia (solo)
  • ‘Scatole sonore/Sound Boxes, Palinsesti 2012’, Palazzo Altan, San Vito al Tagliamento, Italy
  • ‘Almost Spring – 100 Years of Slovenian Art’, UGM, Maribor, Slovenia
  • ‘Hidden and Forbidden Identities’, Palazzo Albrizzi, Venice, Italy


  • ‘Contemporary Art From Slovenia’, European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • ‘Post/Art  in  a  Suitcase’, Gallery  Alkatraz, Ljubljana, Slovenia


  • ‘Introspection’, Bežigrajska Gallery 2, Ljubljana, Slovenia (solo)
  • ‘Road  to  Contemporary Art’, Gallery Enrico  Astuni, Rome, Italy
  • ‘Art  in  a  Suitcase’, Depo Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
  • ‘Drawing in Slovenia II. 1940-2009’, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia
  • ‘Arte Fiera Bologna’, Gallery Enrico Astuni, Bologna, Italy
  • ‘Mostre. Collettiva’, Gallery Enrico Astuni, Bologna, Italy


  • ‘SCI-ART’, Gallery Enrico Astuni, Bologna, Italy
  • ‘Constructions of Real and Virtual’, Scientific Research Institute Jožef Stefan Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • ‘Drawing in Slovenia II. 1940-2009’, City Art Museum Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • ‘Painting: Transfigurations’, Gallery of Contemporary Art Celeia, Celje, Slovenia
  • ‘3rd Quadrilateral Biennial: Media Art – Angles and Intersections’, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Rijeka, Croatia
  • ‘Spatial Phantasms’, Gallery Hest, Ljubljana, Slovenia (solo)


  • ‘Glow: Forum of Light in Art and Architecture’, Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • ‘Transmediale 08: Conspire’, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany
  • ‘Wege nach Europa/ Ways to Europe; Young Art From Slovenia’, Slovenian Science Institute, Vienna, Austria
  • ‘Poetics in the New Millennium’, Municipal Gallery Nova Gorica, Nova Gorica, Slovenia
  • ‘Poetics’, Koroška Gallery of Fine Arts, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
  • ‘Space For New Dialog’, The Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina in Novi Sad, Serbia
  • ‘Media Scape: Beyond Horizon – City Permutations’, Museo Lapidarium, Novi grad, Croatia
  • ‘Traces’, Gallery Art.si, Ljubljana, Slovenia (solo)


  • ‘Pulsation/Cross-sections’,  Kunstlerhaus  Bethanien, Berlin, Germany (solo)
  • ‘Open Studios 2007’, Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
  • ‘Drawings in Ljubljana 2000-2007’, Gallery DLUL, Ljubljana,  Slovenia


  • ‘Transitoriness’, Gallery Božidar Jakac, Kostanjevica na Krki, Slovenia (solo)
  • ‘One Year After – KulturKontakt Artists in Residence 2005’, BA-CA Kunstforum – Tresor, Vienna, Austria
  • ‘Art´Fab: L’art/ la femme/ L`Europe’, La Citadelle, Saint-Tropez, France
  • ‘Our House is the House That Moves’, Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland


  • ‘Attractions’, Miklova hiša Gallery, Ribnica, Slovenia (solo)
  • ‘Scene. Attraction. Threshold’,  Kresija  Gallery,  Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • ‘Slovene Art 1995-2005: Territories, Identities, Nets’, Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • ‘KulturKontakt Artists in Residence Work Presentation’, Wienstation, Vienna, Austria
  • ‘Towards Zero Gravity’, Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia, http://zerogravity.mg-lj.si/eng/svetloba/berlot.htm
  • ‘Junge Kunst im OHO’, OHO – Offenes Haus Oberwart, Oberwart, Austria
  • ‘Eye Try’, Vision Center, Cork, Ireland


  • ‘Il traverso della luce’, Loža Gallery, Koper, Slovenia (solo)
  • ‘Henkel Artist Prize Winners’ (Winner: Henkel Youth Artist Prize), KulturKontakt Austria, Palais Porcia, Vienna, Austria
  • ‘Beyond the Frame’, Gallery Bežigrad, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • ‘Destinations – Five Artists From Slovenia’, Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin, Ireland
  • ‘Our House is the House That Moves’, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • ‘Ex Tempore Piran’ (special award), Municipal Gallery, Piran, Slovenia


  • ‘Crystal shade’, Ljubljana Castle, Pentagonal Tower, Ljubljana, Slovenia (solo)
  • ‘Decantation of light’, Municipal Gallery Nova Gorica, Nova Gorica, Slovenia (solo)
  • ‘Our House is the House That Moves’, Pavel Haus Gallery, Laafeld, Austria
  • ‘Ex Tempore Piran’ (purchase award), Municipal Gallery, Piran, Slovenia


  • ‘Reflection’, Small Gallery, Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia (solo)
  • ‘Nature’, Scientific Research Institute Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia (solo)
  • ‘Camera  Lucida’, Incubator  (with  Tao  G. V.  Sambolec), Škuc  Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • ‘Eye  Try’, Multimedia  Center Kibla, Maribor, Slovenia
  • ‘Follow Me’, Paris  Project  Room  Gallery, Paris, France
  • ‘Ex Tempore Piran’ (Grand Prix winner), Municipal Gallery, Piran, Slovenia


  • ‘Nature’, Equrna Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia ‘Light works’, Salon Minimal, Ljubljana, Slovenia (solo)
  • ‘Faktor Bank Collection’, Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • ‘Artists in Residence Annual Exhibition’ (first prize), Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, Paris, France
  • ‘Sakaide Art Grand Prix 2001’, Sakaide Civic Art Museum, Sakaide, Japan
  • ‘Young Slovene Artists’, Sakaide Space Gallery, Sakaide, Japan
  • ‘6ème Salon Internationale d’Arts Plastiques’, Paris – Valognes, France


  • ‘Regard a travers’, Gallerie Bernanos, Paris, France (solo)
  • ‘Festival Break 21’, Rog, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • ‘Painting 2000’, Equrna Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • ‘2S’, Miklova hiša Gallery, Ribnica, Slovenia


  • ‘Paintings’, Galleria d’Arte Il Mulino, Gorizia, Italy (solo)
  • ‘Nature’, Galerie de la Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France (solo)
  • ‘Disclosing Presence of Body – Drawings’, Municipal Gallery of Ljubljana/ALU, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • ‘Fiera di arte contemporanea’, Udine, Italy
  • ‘Zero’, Planet Art Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa


• Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2024. Mimesis in umetnost v času nevromorfnih tehnologij. V: Vizualnost v času posthumanizma – Okoljska etika, ekofeminizem, kibernetika in digitalna humanistika v umetnosti in oblikovanju, ur. Uršula Berlot Pompe, Ljubljana: Založba univerze v Ljubljani, Akademija likovno umetnost in oblikovanje, str. 60–72. Accessible at: link
• Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2024. Uvodnik: Vizualnost v času posthumanizma. V: Vizualnost v času posthumanizma – Okoljska etika, ekofeminizem, kibernetika in digitalna humanistika v umetnosti in oblikovanju. Ljubljana: Založba univerze v Ljubljani, Akademija likovno umetnost in oblikovanje, str. 6–13. Accessible at: link
• Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2024. Umetnost in znanost v likovni anatomiji – univerzitetni učbenik. Ljubljana: Založba univerze v Ljubljani, Akademija likovno umetnost in oblikovanje. Accessible at: link
• Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2024. Izkustvo digitalnih medijev, nevromedialnost in nevromorfne tehnologije. Vizualna pismenost: Teoretsko raziskovanje, razumevanje, ustvarjanje in interpretacija sodobnosti, ur. Petra Černe Oven, Barbara Predan, str. 152–166. Ljubljana: Založba univerze v Ljubljani, Akademija likovno umetnost in oblikovanje. Accessible at: link
• Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2023. Umetnost in intuitivno spoznanje: nevroestetska perspektiva. Kako in zakaj? Znanost in umetnost: različni plati iste radovednosti, ur. Anderluh G. et al., str. 201–221. Ljubljana: Kemijski Inštitut. Accessible at: link
• Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2023. Linearna perspektiva v teoriji in praksi. Univerzitetni učbenik. Ljubljana: Akademija za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje Univerze v Ljubljani. Accessible at: link
• Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2023. Živali in živalskost v sodobni umetnosti. Človek, žival; Poglavja o njunih soočanjih, ur. Sašo Jerše, Mateja Gaber, str. 266–281. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. Accessible at: link
• Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2023. The Topology of Virtuality and Techno-Art. Art Between Practice and Theory: Theoretical Reflections on Artistic Reality on the Threshold of the Third Millennium, ed. Jožef Muhovič, str. 25–46. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana Press. Accessible at: link
• Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2022. Interakcija z digitalnimi mediji. Časopis za kritiko znanosti, domišljijo in novo antropologijo, Let. L, 2022/285, str. 13–32. Ljubljana: Inštitut Časopis za kritiko znanosti. Accessible at: link
• Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2022. Dematerializacija umetnosti in hipermaterialno, Vpogledi 25, ur: Barbara Predan, str. 121–134. Ljubljana: Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino. Accessible at: link
• Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2021. Topologija virtualnosti in tehnoumetnost. Zbornik: Umetnost med prakso in teorijo; Teoretski pogledi na umetnostno realnost na pragu tretjega tisočletja, ur: Jožef Muhovič, str: 23–44. Ljubljana: Založba Univerze v Ljubljani. Accessible at: link
• Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2020. Kompleksnost in tehnološki biomorfizem v sodobnem abstraktnem slikarstvu. Zbornik za Tomaža Brejca: Posebna izdaja Zbornika za umetnostno zgodovino, str. 125–137. Ljubljana: Slovensko umetnostnozgodovinsko društvo (read pdf). Accessible at: link
• Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2018. Pictorial Abstractions: Visualizing Space in the Eras of Modernism and Information, AR / Architecture Research I/2018 Correspondences, ed: Paul O Robinson, str. 169–211. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturo. Accessible at: link
• Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2018. Invencije prostora: umetniške, znanstvene in filozofske intuicije prostorskih konceptov. Časopis za kritiko znanosti, domišljijo in novo antropologijo XLVI/274, str. 7–11. Lljubljana: Inštitut Časopis za kritiko znanosti. Accessible at: link
• Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2018. Prostor in gledalec: utelešena zaznava v umetnosti instalacije. Časopis za kritiko znanosti, domišljijo in novo antropologijo XLVI/274, str. 27–54. Lljubljana: Inštitut Časopis za kritiko znanosti. Accessible at: link
• Golob, Urška, Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2018. Heterotopične pokrajine: prostorska plastenja v slikarskem delu Suzane Brborović. ANNALES · Ser. hist. sociol., 28/2018, 3, str. 637–650. Koper: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko, Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstvenoraziskovalno središče. Accessible at: link
• Golob, Urška, Berlot Pompe, Uršula (mentor), Kordeš, Urban (komentor). 2018. Vpliv digitalnih medijev na ustvarjalni proces v likovni umetnosti. Doktorska naloga. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta. Accessible at: link
• Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2017. Intuicija in subliminalno v sodobni umetnosti/ Intuition and the Subliminal in Contemporary Art. Likovne besede/Art Words, 106, str. 3–15. Ljubljana: ZDSLU. Accessible at: link
• Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2016. Nevroumetnost, nevroestetika in vprašanje zavesti. ČKZ, let. XLIV/265, str. 39–52. Lljubljana: Inštitut Časopis za kritiko znanosti. Accessible at: link
• Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2016. Umetnost, nevroznanost in nevroestetika: kritične perspektive. ČKZ, let. XLIV/265, str. 7–11. Ljubljana: Inštitut Časopis za kritiko znanosti. Accessible at: link
• Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2016. Minimalna razlika in moderna mimesis. Likovne besede/Art Words, 103, str. 16–33. Ljubljana: ZDSLU. Accessible at: link
• Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2015. Prostor in svetloba v umetniških instalacijah 20. stoletja. Praznine 08/2015, str. 17–27. Ljubljana: Umetniško izobraževalno društvo Praznine. Accessible at: link
• Berlot Pompe, Uršula. 2015. Transparentno telo: umetnost, medicina in tehnologija. Zbornik 8. kulturološkega simpozija: Telo in tehnologija, str. 136–149. Ljubljana: Kult.co, društvo kulturologov. Accessible at: link
• Berlot, Uršula. 2013. Likovna Anatomija. Univerzitetni učbenik (elektronska knjiga). Ljubljana: Raziskovalni inštitut Akademije za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje, Univerza v Ljubljani.
• Berlot, Uršula. 2011. Duchamp in mimesis. Ljubljana: Raziskovalni inštitut Akademije za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje, Univerza v Ljubljani. Accessible at: link (pdf: excerpt/ reviews)
• Berlot, Uršula. 2011. Duchamp and the Notion of Optical Tactility. Art, Emotion and Value. 5th Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics, Cartagena, pp. 471–478. Murcia: University of Murcia. Accessible at: link
• Berlot, Uršula. 2011. Biomimesis in sodobna umetnost. Časopis za kritiko znanosti, domišljijo in antropologijo, XXXIX/ 2011, št. 244, str. 169–178. Ljubljana: Študentska založba. Accessible at: link
• Berlot, Uršula. 2010. Prostor infratanke razlike: Nepodobna podobnost pri Duchampu. Gospod Marcel in gospa Sélavy. Sodobnost, 74/2010, št. 11, str. 1391–1414. Ljubljana: Kulturno-umetniško društvo Sodobnost International. Accessible at: link
• Berlot, Uršula. 2009. Umetnost med naravnim, tehnološkim in mentalnim. Likovne besede/Art Words, 87/88, 2009, str. 16–35. Ljubljana: ZDSLU. Accessible at: link
• Berlot, Uršula. 2009. Mimesis: infra-tanko področje umetnosti in narave. Doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Akademija za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje. Accessible at: link
• Berlot, Uršula. 2004. Vidiki svetlobe v sodobni vizualni umetnosti in arhitekturi. Sodobnost, 12/2004, str. 1485–1498. Ljubljana: Kulturno-umetniško društvo Sodobnost International. Accessible at: link
• Berlot, Uršula. 2002. Ideja narave v sodobni umetnosti, Likovne besede/Art Words 61/62, str: 19–34. Ljubljana: ZDSLU. Accessible at: link
• Berlot, Uršula. 2002. Georges Bataille: O umetnosti. Časopis za kritiko znanosti, domišljijo in novo antropologijo, XXX, 209/210, str. 293–304. Ljubljana: Študentska založba. Accessible at: link
• Berlot, Uršula. 2003. Umetnost v dobi genetike. Art.si, trimesečnik o likovni umetnosti, arhitekturi, oblikovanju in fotografiji, Junij 2003. Ljubljana: Art.si
• Berlot, Uršula. 2001. Narava. M’ARS 1/2. Ljubljana: Moderna galerija.
• Berlot, Uršula. 1998. Mit in estetski doživljaj. Kolaps: Economia, Philosophia, Isu, Scientia, 8/9, 1998, str. 90–96. Ljubljana.
• Berlot, Uršula. 1998. O sublimnem. Kolaps: Economia, Philosophia, Isu, Scientia. No. 6/7, 1998, str. 120–121. Ljubljana.
• Berlot, Uršula. 1997. Modernizem in postmodernizem. Kolaps: Economia, Philosophia, Isu, Scientia. 2/4, 1997. Ljubljana.


• Trebušak, Alenka (ur.). Extended Vision, Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, Cukrarna, 26. 2.–26. 5. 2024, str. 44–49, Ljubljana, 2024
• Kočica, Jiri. Uršula Berlot Pompe – Optična elastičnost, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, 2024
• Sotelšek, Nina (ed.), Volk, Denis. Uršula Berlot: Imaginary Skyrmions, Krško Gallery 12. 5. – 18. 7. 2023, Krško: Cultural Centre Krško, 2023
• Gnamuš, Nadja. Tendencies in Abstraction. Systems, Techno Organisms, Information: ‘S’ Gallery. 13. 4. – 5. 6. 2022. Ljubljana: Ljubljana Fine Artists Society, 2023
• Gregorič A., Trebušak A., Podlesnik M. (ur), Vračanje pogleda/ Returning the gaze, Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane, Cukrarna, 11. 3.-21. 8. 2022, str. 60-65, Ljubljana 2022
• Bovcon N. (ur.), Dobrila P. T., Kostič A., Poznič Z., Majski salon ZDSLU: Modra črta, od renesanse do novih medijev, Likovne besede/ Artwords 120/2022, Ljubljana 2022
• Puncer, Mojca. Towards a Philosophy of Contemporary Art in Slovenia: Some Emphases, Likovne besede / Art Words 119, p. 43-55, 2021
• Kundračíková Barbora & SEFO, exhibition catalogue, ‘SEFO 2021 Triennial of Central European Culture and Art – Universum’, Olomouc Museum of Art, Olomouc, 2021
• Vignjević, Tomislav. Insight into body matter – Bodyfraction by Uršula Berlot. Nova Gorica: Municipal Gallery Nova Gorica, 2020
• Križan, Dominik Olmiah. Zamisli in zasnove. Ljubljana: ZDSLU (Sekcija za video in medijsko umetnost ZDSLU), 2020
• Škrjanec Breda. Majda Božeglav Japelj (ur.). Selfish me –  avtoportreti/ autoritratti/self-portraits. Piran: Obalne Galerije Piran, 2019
• Grafenauer, Petja. Nastop namišljenega umetnika Ursa Bolda, Dnevnik, 23. 11. 2019
• Pavla Jarc (ur.), Mestna Galerija Nova Gorica: 20 let, Nova Gorica: Kulturni Dom NG, 2018
• Aleš Vaupotič. The integration of Nanotechnology Research in Fine Art: Polymorphic Impression of Uršula Berlot. Likovne besede/Art Words, 105. Ljubljana: ZDSLU, 2017
• Breda Kolar Sluga, Peng Feng. The Earth is Flat – Zemlja je ploščata / Flat and Distant – Ploščato in oddaljeno. UGM, Maribor, 3. 6. – 14. 8. 2016, Today Art Museum, Beijing, 10. 9. – 9. 10. 2016. Maribor: Umetnostna galerija, 2016
• Alenka Domjan (ed.), Andreja Rakovec: Epilogue – space, body and media in transition, Novo Celje Mansion, 26. 5. – 1. 10. 2017. Žalec: Institute for culture, sport and tourism Žalec, 2017
• Štromajer Igor. Pixxelpoint 2015: Predmet/Object – 16th International Media Art Festival. Nova Gorica: Kulturni dom Nova Gorica, 2015
• Plut, Jadranka. Uršula Berlot: Fluidna topografija/Fluid Topography, Ljubljana Castle, Pentagonal Tower, 16. 9. – 2. 11. 2014. Ljubljana: DLUL, 2014
• Bassin, Aleksander. Magija umetnosti. Protagonisti slovenske sodobne umetnosti 1968 – 2013/La magia dell’arte. I protagonisti dell’arte Slovena contemporanea 1968 – 2013, Villa Manin, Passariano di Codroipo, Italy. Ljubljana: DLUL, 2013
• Sonica, Festival of Transitory Art, MoTA, 22. 11. – 30. 11. 2013. Ljubljana: MoTA, 2013
• Rubino, Giovanni (ed.). Scatole sonore. La poesia reclusa, Palinsesti 2012, 28.10. – 2.12. 2012. San Vito al Tagliamento: Comune di San Vito al Tagliamento, 2012
• Nagy, Vasja. Uršula Berlot: Transparentno telo (Vanitas)/Transparent Body (Vanitas), Gallery Domžale, 7th – 23th of March 2013. Domžale: Kulturni dom Franca Bernika, 2013
• Türk, Annemarie. 20 Years: KulturKontakt Austria – Artists in Residence: Launching Careers, Building Cooperation. Vienna: KulturKontakt Austria, 2012
• Contemporary Art in Slovenia, European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, 22th of June – 15th of September 2011. Frankfurt am Main: European Central Bank, Banka Slovenije, 2011
• Puncer, Mojca. Sodobna umetnost in estetika/Contemporary Art and Aesthetics. Ljubljana: Publicistično društvo ZAK, Maribor: Pedagogic Faculty, 2010
• Bašin, Miloš. Uršula Berlot: Introspekcija/Introspection, Bežigrajska Gallery 2, 1st. – 29th of September 2010. Ljubljana: Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, 2010
• Gnamuš, Nadja. Konstrukcija realnega in virtualnega, Institut Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6th – 30th of July 2009. Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan, 2009
• Drawing in Slovenia II. 1940 – 2009, City Art Museum Ljubljana. Ljubljana: City Art Museum Ljubljana, 2009
• Zgonik, Nadja (ed.). Pojmovnik slovenske umetnosti po letu 2004: pojmi, gibanja, skupine, težnje. Ljubljana: RI – ALUO, Študentska založba, 2009
• Domjan, Alenka. Slika: Prehajanja/Painting: Transfigurations. Celje: Zavod Celeia, Center of Contemporary Art, 2009
• Pace, Alessandra. SCI-ART. Bologna: Gallery Enrico Astuni, 2009
• Puncer, Mojca. Artistic Research on Life Forms: Exploring the Intersections of Science, Art and Life in the Context of Globalization. LEONARDO, Vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 468 – 477, Art and Biology. MIT Press, 2008
• Brejc, Tomaž. On Sublime. Personal Experiment in Slovene Painting, Art Words 85/86. Ljubljana: ZDSLU, 2008
• Nagy, Vasja: The Body of Light/Telo svetlobe. In: Space For New Dialog/Prostor za novi dijalog, The Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina in Novi Sad, 20th September – 4th October 2008. Novi Sad: Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, 2008
• The Mystery of Light and the Logic of Beauty. In: Ernst Schering Foundation Annual Review 2007, Berlin: Schering Foundation, 2008
• Glow: Forum of Light in Art and Architecture, Eindhoven, 2008
• Pregl Kobe, Tatjana. Poetike/Poetics. Slovenj Gradec: Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti/Koroška Gallery of Fine Arts, 2008
• Municipal Gallery Nova Gorica: 10 Years. Nova Gorica: Kulturni dom Nova Gorica, 2008
• Art Press n° 344, Avril 2008, Paul Ardenne, exhibition review: Transmediale. 08. Haus der Kulturen der Welt 9. janvier – 24. février 2008. p.73-74
• Španjol, Igor. Nature As a Simulation. In: Munz, Thomas (ed.). Conspire – Transmediale Parcours. Berlin: Transmediale & Frankfurt am Main: Revolver, 2008
• Uršula Berlot, Bio-organic Systems. In: MUNZ, Thomas (ed.). Transmediale 08: Conspire: Festival for Art and Digital Culture Berlin. Berlin: Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH, 2008.
• Schulte-Fischedick, Valeria (ed.). Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Artists in Residence 2007 – 2008. Berlin: Kunstlerhaus Bethanien GmbH, 2008
• Gnamuš, Nadja. Prizor – Privlačnost – Prag, Gallery Kresija, 8th of December 2005 – 10th of Januar 2006. Ljubljana: Mestna občina Ljubljana, Galerija Kresija, 2008
• Frelih, Črtomir. Risba/Drawing, Gallery ZDSLU. Ljubljana: Ljubljana Fine Artists Society, 2007
• Petrešin, Nataša, Rupel, Barbara. Uršula Berlot: Prehodnost/Transitoriness, Kostanjevica na Krki: Gallery Božidar Jakac, 2006
• ART’FAB: L’art-La femme-L’Europe. Saint-Tropez, Paris: Terrail, 2006
• KulturKontakt One year After – Artists in Residence 2005. Vienna: KulturKontakt, 2006
• Igor Španjol, Nataša Petrešin. Uršula Berlot: Privlačnosti/Attractions. Ribnica: Gallery Miklova hiša, 2005
• Kostić, Aleksandra (ed.), Dobrila, Peter Tomaž (ed.). Eye Try: (a catalogue of an exhibition of Slovene contemporary visual art in the Vision Centre Cork, European Cultural Capital 2005). Tox, 10/12. Maribor: Association for Culture and Education Kibla, Multimedia Center Kibla, 2005.
• Zabel, Igor. Slovene Art 1995 – 2005: Territories, Identities, Nets. Ljubljana: Museum of Modern Art, 2005
• Zabel, Igor, Badovinac, Zdenka. Towards Zero Gravity. Težnost v slovenski likovni umetnosti 20. in 21. stoletja/Gravity in Slovene Fine Art in the 20th and 21st Centuries. Ljubljana: Museum of Modern Art, 2005
• Vignjević, Tomaž. Spiele des Lichts. Die Malerei Uršula Berlot. V: KulturKontakt 01/2005. Dunaj: KulturKontakt, 2005
• Bašin, Miloš (ed.). Preseženi slikovni okvir: slike/Beyond the Frame: Paintings, 1962-2004, Bežigrajska Gallery 2, Ljubljana, 17th of November 2004 – 12th of January 2005. Ljubljana: Municipal Gallery, 2004
• Pregl Kobe, Tatjana. Uršula Berlot: Pretakanje svetlobe/Decantation of Light, 28. 10 – 18. 11. 2003. Nova Gorica: Municipal Gallery Nova Gorica, 2003
• Zavrtanik, Sonja. Decantation of Light: Uršula Berlot. Praesens 4/2003. Budapest: Praesens, 2003
• Omladič, Luka. Uršula Berlot: Odsev/Reflexion, Museum of Modern Art, Small Gallery, 28. 6. – 25. 8. 2002. Ljubljana: Museum of Modern Art, 2002
• Vignjević, Tomislav. Igre svetlobe. Ljubljana: Delo, 23. 7. 2002, 44/167, p. 6
• 6ème Salon international d’arts plastiques Valognes, Valognes/Charon, 2001
• Diplômes 2000: sincères félicitations. Paris: Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, 2001
• Brejc, Tomaž. Slika 2000/Painting 2000, Equrna Gallery, 27. 6. – 5. 8. 2000. Ljubljana: Equrna Gallery, 2000
• Zgonik, Nadja. 2. S: Izbrani avtorji, študenti drugega letnika specialističnega študija Akademije za likovno umetnost/Selected authors, students of the 2nd year of postgraduate study at the Academy of Fine Arts. Ribnica: Gallery Miklova hiša, 2000.
• Omladič, Luka. Uršula Berlot: Nature, Galerie de Cité internationale des arts, 8. 9. – 18. 9. 1999. Paris: 1999