


acryl, pastel and marker on paper
dim: 68 x 88 cm

Reminiscent of clouds of interstellar dust and ionized gases, this series of drawings is technically based on abstract templates derived from microscopic recordings. Thus, the process of making these drawings relates to a certain traditional vision of a macrocosm reflecting a microscosm (and vice versa); of cosmic observation that reveals patterns, symmetries, similarities and hidden geometries that repeat on every level of existence both material and spiritual.

RGB Molecular



acryl and marker on paper
series (12)
dim: 66 x 90 cm (each)

Drawings in colour that trace microscopic motifs of bodily particles shift conceptually away from the real motif towards the abstract one on two levels: colour is forced artificially upon the achromatic micro recording (the RGB colour model), while the procedure of colour layering brings in the illusion of motion and depth, i.e. optic qualities absent in the original microscopic referent.




acryl, pastel on paper
variable dimensions.

Graphical images on paper combine structures that look like microscopic imagery and the morphology of bodily particles. The bodily tissue is mediated in a variety of observation ratios: from stylised visible body parts (abstracted forms of hair, eyelashes and skin structures) to microscopic images of elementary bodily particles. This type of technological layering explores the relationship between the visible (physical) and the representational (abstract, conceptual).

Suspension (drawings)


2019 -

graphite on paper
variable dimensions




graphite on paper
dim: 190 x 110 cm

Handkerchief (series of drawings)



graphite, pastel and acryl on paper
dim: 70 x 100 cm each/ 6 drawings




Acryl on paper
Series, dim.: 70 x 100 cm each

Nets is a series of works created on the basis of scientific visualisations - microscopic images, diagrams - of various network microstructures (neural networks, fullerene networks, etc.).




mixed techniques on tracing paper
dim: 30 x 40 cm (4), 50 x 60 cm (2)




synthetic color on acrylic support
dim: 20 x 20 cm (15 pieces)

Traces is a series of drawings that visualizes invisible magnetic fields with the use of spray paint, rotating magnets, and iron particles. A variety of formal circular configurations are visible by exploiting contrasts of light and shadow. These drawings manifest natural physical magnetic fields, an underlying physical principle of nature, subtly intangible yet visibly perceivable.

Cerebral Landscapes



graphic color on synthetic support
variable dimensions




graphic color on a tracing paper
dim: 80x150 cm